canada stamp 1722 st edward s crown 2 imperial penny postage sir william mulock 45 1998

Canada Stamp #1722 - St. Edward's Crown/2¢ Imperial Penny Postage/Sir William Mulock (1998) 45¢

SKU: CAN-1722
Mint - Very Fine Never Hinged (M-VFNH)
USD $1.00
 In Stock

Used - Very Fine (U-VF)
USD $0.30
 In Stock

Plate Block (Upper Left) - VFNH (PB-UL)
Cv. $5.00
USD $4.50
 Only 5 in Stock

Plate Block (Upper Right) - VFNH (PB-UR)
Cv. $5.00
USD $4.50
 Only 5 in Stock

Plate Block (Lower Left) - VFNH (PB-LL)
Cv. $5.00
USD $4.50
 Only 5 in Stock

Plate Block (Lower Right) - VFNH (PB-LR)
Cv. $5.00
USD $4.50
 Only 5 in Stock

canada stamp 1722 st edward s crown 2 imperial penny postage sir william mulock 45 1998 M PANE
Full Pane (M-PANE)
Cv. $20.00
USD $18.00
 In Stock

canada stamp 1722 st edward s crown 2 imperial penny postage sir william mulock 45 1998 FDC
First Day Cover (FDC)
USD $1.50
 Out of Stock


Issued for the centennial of the 2¢ Imperial Penny Postage stamp (recognized as the world's frist Christmast stamp, see No. 85 and 86) and to honour Sir William Mulock who, as Postmaster General, was instrumental in negotiating the change in the international rate from 5¢ to 2¢. 

Country Canada
#Scott 1722
Issue Sir William Mulock
Name St. Edward's Crown/2¢ Imperial Penny Postage/Sir William Mulock
Face Value 45¢
Date 1998-05-29
Colour Multicoloured
Perforation 12.5 x 13.1
Paper TRC - Tullis Russell Coatings (coated paper)
Tag GT4 - General Tagging along all edges of stamp
Printer Canadian Bank Note Company