canada stamp 232 king george vi 2 1937

Canada Stamp #232 - King George VI (1937) 2¢

SKU: CAN-0232
Mint - Very Fine Never Hinged (M-VFNH)
USD $1.50
 In Stock

Mint - Fine Never Hinged (M-FNH)
USD $0.63
 In Stock

Mint - Very Fine (M-VF)
USD $1.00
 In Stock

Mint - Fine (M-F)
USD $0.50
 In Stock

Used - Very Fine (U-VF)
USD $0.25
 In Stock

Used - Fine (U-F)
USD $0.20
 In Stock

Used - Defect (U-DEF)
USD $0.06
 Only 1 in Stock

canada stamp 232 king george vi 2 1937 M NH 006
Mint - Never Hinged - Misperforated Pair (M-NH-006)
Superb vertical pair of the 2¢ value from the very first King George VI issue in 1937 with a dramatic downward perforation shift, splitting the stamps right through the scalp in the portraits! To mitigate the error, it appears the stamps were cut via a trimmer at the location where the perforations should normally have been situated! A very attractive error, highly impressive on the very first look!
Cv. $500.00
USD $250.00
 Out of Stock

Mint - Very Good Never Hinged (M-VGNH)
USD $0.38
 Out of Stock

Mint - Very Good (M-VG)
USD $0.30
 Out of Stock

Mint - Defect (M-DEF)
USD $0.15
 Out of Stock

Mint - Space Filler (M-FIL)
USD $0.08
 Out of Stock

Used - Very Good (U-VG)
USD $0.12
 Out of Stock

Used - Space Filler (U-FIL)
USD $0.03
 Out of Stock

canada stamp 232 king george vi 2 1937 m pane
Full Pane of 100 (M-PANE)
Mint F/VFNH complete sheet of 100 stamps with upper left corner plate block #1. A couple perforation separations in margins, also a corner margin piece missing.
USD $35.00
 Out of Stock


George VI Mufti - brown, perf 12

Country Canada
#Scott 232
Issue King George VI - Mufti Issue (1937-1942)
Name King George VI
Face Value
Date 1937-04-01
Colour Brown
Perforation 12
Printer Canadian Bank Note Company

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