lighthouse united states hingeless stamp album
lighthouse united states hingeless stamp album

Lighthouse United States Hingeless stamp album

Volume I (1847-1964)
Cv. $679.95
USD $619.95
 Only 1 in Stock


Beautiful luxury Lighthouse Hingeless USA stamp album. This is for the serious advanced collector, each stamp has its stamp mount already affixed. The pages are made of high quality heavy paper and are housed in red 2-Post Turn Bar binders with country name in gold imprinted on spine. Includes philatelic and technical notes prepared by the editorial department. Apart from recording all stamps where the definitive series are largely kept separate from commemorative issues, you will also find pre-printed sheets for all the main different watermark, printing, paper, color, type and perforation differences. Official stamps and postage stamps have also been included on separate pages.


  • Offered in 5 2-Post Turn-Bar red binders
  • The country name is imprinted in gold on the spine
  • Matching slipcase included
  • Pages with stamp mounts included
  • Thick & heavy paper
  • Officials and Back of Book included

Brand: Lighthouse