us stamp postage issues 2490 rose 29 1993

US stamp #2490 - Rose (1993) 29¢

SKU: USA-2490

Mint - Never Hinged (M-NH)
USD $0.60
 Out of Stock

Used (U)
USD $0.25
 Out of Stock

us stamp postage issues 2490 rose 29 1993 STRIP 18
Mint - Strip of 18 (STRIP-18)
Strip of stamps used in affixing machines to apply stamps to firts day covers.
Cv. $14.85
USD $13.35
 Out of Stock


Country United States
#Scott 2490
Issue Booklet stamps
Name Rose
Face Value 29¢
Date 1993-5
Colour Multicoloured
Perforation Die Cut